I forgot about that. I think I did it in SF. It looks somewhere between the plastered underwear from Cranbrook and the Miss Utah becomes Miss America. I think that was 1984.
But yes I am thinking a bit along those lines, but less "cagey"
I forgot about that. I think I did it in SF. It looks somewhere between the plastered underwear from Cranbrook and the Miss Utah becomes Miss America. I think that was 1984.
I like the idea that came out of the dream.
I have been thinking about attaching the fabric and the puzzle(d) pieces. Maybe the ends of the cloth could be partially unraveled and put between pieces of the puzzle. I should find a puzzle and see if it could work. Then I think the integration of the parts would be better and interesting. With puzzle imagery and knit imagery all bound up into one.
I was thinking that the theme was hand face whatever the show title is. Sort of relates to things that we both think about.